COVID-19 Roundup, Winter Edition

As we approach the 2020 winter and holiday season, COVID-19 numbers are once again spiking across the country.  While we have learned a lot about how to clean, and how to stay safe, with the upcoming holiday season upon us, it’s worth the reminder of how to best keep your family’s safety and comfort in … Continue reading "COVID-19 Roundup, Winter Edition"

Late Summer Sweets for Nostalgia and Comfort

Whether it is barbecue (cooked indoors or out), fresh-from-the-garden vegetables, or frozen summertime treats, flavors are part of the summer. That first taste of a popsicle or lick of an ice cream cone can trigger nostalgic feelings as we remember our favorite treats from summers past. You might associate what you are eating not just … Continue reading "Late Summer Sweets for Nostalgia and Comfort"

Quarantined? Using what you have at home

We’re spending more time indoors right now than normal. Keeping each other safe is extremely important right now, but we have to keep ourselves and our families busy, too. Luckily, there’s more to do around your home than you think! Do you love to cook? Normally, we are so pressed for time it’s easy to … Continue reading "Quarantined? Using what you have at home"

Bring Culture to Your Kitchen Part 3: Cuban

Cuban cooking is about making the most of what you have. Its recipes aim to make a lot out of a little, using the ingredients that are on hand. “They don’t have a winter, but still can only get certain things at certain times of the year,” says Guillermo Pernot, chef-partner of Cuba Libre Restaurant … Continue reading "Bring Culture to Your Kitchen Part 3: Cuban"

Bring Culture to Your Kitchen Part 2: Mexican

It’s late on a Friday night when that unmistakable craving for Mexican food strikes. So what will it be? You could dial up the local restaurant to satisfy your urge to inhale a savory favorite like a burrito, taco, or enchilada. Or you can head to the kitchen. Before you break out your blender to … Continue reading "Bring Culture to Your Kitchen Part 2: Mexican"

Bring Culture to Your Kitchen Part 1: Thai

Learning to cook foods from a culture outside of your own can add new depth to your home cooking. You’ll discover new recipes, new flavors, and learn more about another culture’s history and traditions. Over the next few weeks, In Every Home will explore various ways you can expand your cooking repertoire and bring new … Continue reading "Bring Culture to Your Kitchen Part 1: Thai"

“Fried” and True: 3 healthy snacks for your air fryer

There is something incredibly satisfying, beyond the obvious indulgence, about the sound and texture that come with biting into a perfectly fried food. That crisp and crunch, not to mention the flavor that comes from frying, can be tough to abandon for those of us looking to be more mindful about healthy food choices. It’s … Continue reading "“Fried” and True: 3 healthy snacks for your air fryer"

The Cherry on Top: Break out your blender for a modern milkshake twist

Who doesn’t love a good milkshake? They’re a decadent treat, a comfort food and a dose of culinary nostalgia in a tall, frosty glass. The thick, chilly indulgence that may or may not require a spoon to consume brings to mind images of 1950s diners, summer nights at the ice cream shop, and a quick … Continue reading "The Cherry on Top: Break out your blender for a modern milkshake twist"

Sous vide – Not just for summer

When you think of essential tools for summer cooking, chances are your mind goes immediately to the charcoal or gas grill, a cool salad or a pot of boiling sweet corn. You probably do not think of a sous vide cooker, the increasingly popular portable appliance synonymous with steak, but quickly catching on as a … Continue reading "Sous vide – Not just for summer"

Meatless Cooking for the Mainstream Eater

Are you a meat lover looking to incorporate more plants into your diet? Easy! Just replace that thick, juicy steak with some steamed tofu and brown rice. What, that doesn’t sound good? It’s not the same? Is something missing? If you haven’t checked in on the plant-based world recently, you’re in for a treat.  The … Continue reading "Meatless Cooking for the Mainstream Eater"