Be Prepared for Wildfire Season with an Air Cleaner

In recent years, people in areas where wildfire smoke hasn’t historically had much of an effect have received a wakeup call about indoor air quality and the importance of planning for smoke events. A room air cleaner is one of your best defenses when wildfire smoke and ash wreak havoc on indoor air.  Don’t wait: … Continue reading "Be Prepared for Wildfire Season with an Air Cleaner"

5 things to consider when buying a vacuum

If you’re serious about keeping your carpets clean and your floors shining, just any vacuum won’t do. The type, features and design of the vacuum are important, but the type of floors and the level of cleaning they’ll require should be your focus when making a decision. Do you have hardwood floors? Standard or ultra-soft … Continue reading "5 things to consider when buying a vacuum"

5 Questions to Ask Before Buying a Used Appliance

Autumn is normally a time when appliance shoppers think ahead to the holiday season and try to purchase new appliances before guests arrive and families gather for a holiday meal. But this isn’t a normal time, and as anyone in the market for a major appliance has probably heard, they might have to wait additional … Continue reading "5 Questions to Ask Before Buying a Used Appliance"

Need a New Room Air Conditioner? Check Out These Tips Before You Buy!

If you’re on the east coast, you might still have the heat on this April! But warm-weather lovers can rejoice, because summer is definitely on the way. If that means a new room air conditioner for you, you’re in luck. You’ll find a wide selection of powerful and energy-efficient room air conditioners on the market. … Continue reading "Need a New Room Air Conditioner? Check Out These Tips Before You Buy!"

AHAM’s Top 5 Posts of 2017

Before we jump into 2018, let’s take a moment to revisit our most-read posts from 2017. We covered a wide range of topics, from chef-approved ways to grill indoors, to keeping your home safe after a hurricane. That variety is evident in our top posts of the year. We are grateful to our readers – … Continue reading "AHAM’s Top 5 Posts of 2017"

Space Heater Round-Up: AHAM’s Expert Advice, All in One Place

Winter is coming, and it’s time to start thinking about how you’re going to fend off those seasonal chills. To help you prepare, here’s the best of our expert advice on portable electric heaters. These key questions will help you choose the portable heater that works best for you: Will you be using the heater … Continue reading "Space Heater Round-Up: AHAM’s Expert Advice, All in One Place"

Vacuum features, settings and technique: Expert advice

Vacuums are one of your go-to appliances as you strive to keep your home clear of dirt, dust, pet hair and allergens. There’s a good chance vacuuming is part of your daily or weekly routine. A 2013 global survey by AHAM member Electrolux found that 33% of respondents vacuumed 2-5 times per week, 13% vacuumed … Continue reading "Vacuum features, settings and technique: Expert advice"

Room air cleaners: Your ally against allergens

The spring and summer weather is always a welcome change. The allergies that come with the warmer temperatures, not so much. Depending on where you live, you might be dealing with any of a number of types of pollen, road dust or other allergies. The coughing and sniffles will put the brakes on even the … Continue reading "Room air cleaners: Your ally against allergens"

How to avoid appliance returns this holiday season

Holiday shopping. Visiting relatives. Social events. The end-of-year work rush. With everything else going on during the weeks-long holiday sprint, you don’t need to add “return a gift” to your to-do list. While most customers find what they’re looking for, returns are an inevitable part of holiday shopping. When they happen, there’s usually a reason. … Continue reading "How to avoid appliance returns this holiday season"

Overwhelmed by appliance reviews? Here’s how to get what you need

There’s no shortage of home appliance reviews or of people looking to share their opinion. A simple Google search for a product you’re thinking of buying, whether it’s a washing machine, vacuum or mixer, will likely produce more reviews than you can wrap your head around. Maybe some are positive, some not so much. So … Continue reading "Overwhelmed by appliance reviews? Here’s how to get what you need"