Celebrate National Coffee Day with these Facts About Coffeemakers and America’s Favorite Beverage

Happy National Coffee Day! Coffee is firmly entrenched as America’s favorite beverage, with 63 percent of Americans reporting they had coffee in the past day, according to an April 2023 survey by the National Coffee Association. Coffee topped bottled water (61%) tea (45%), tap water (45%), soft drinks (41%) and juice (22%) in the survey.

AHAM is celebrating National Coffee Day with a look at how people are preparing their beloved morning cup. A recent AHAM survey found that 85% of U.S. residents could not imagine living without their small appliances. It’s safe to say that a coffeemaker is right up there on the list of appliances many can’t live without. Slightly more than half (51%) of consumers surveyed by AHAM in 2019 reported having an automatic drip coffeemaker in their home, a decrease from 60% in 2014 and 81% in 2002. Single-serve coffeemakers have become more popular. In the same survey, 42% reported having a single-serve coffeemaker, an increase from 35% five years earlier.

Home remains the most popular place to enjoy a cup of coffee, according to the NCA, with 82% reporting having prepared a cup at home the previous day. Here’s how they say they’re making their coffee:

  • Drip coffeemakers (40%)
  • Single-cup brewers (27%)
  • Cold brewing 16%
  • Espresso machines (11%)

The office is also a popular place to drink coffee, with 36% of Americans reporting their office had a coffee station.

Other facts about coffee

It probably isn’t surprising that breakfast time is the most popular time (81%) to drink coffee. But NCA’s research found that people are drinking it at other times of the morning (38%) too, along with lunch (15%), in the afternoon (19%), with dinner (7%) and in the evening (10%).

Cold brew and iced coffee are heating up: The NCA reports that iced coffee drinking is up by 64% since January 2023. Cold brew coffee’s popularity appears to be surging and is up by 45% since January 2023 and 300% since 2016, the NCA says.

Flavored coffee is popular: 30% of Americans told the NCA they’d had a cup of flavored coffee in the past week. The most popular flavor was vanilla, with caramel and hazelnut tied for second, and mocha coming in third.

Lattes are the most popular espresso drink: 18% reported to the NCA that they had enjoyed a latte in the past week, followed by espresso (16%) and cappuccinos (15%).

Looking to move your home coffee brewing beyond the traditional cups? Take a look at Whole Latte Love’s video on how to make a flat white.

Or, try these tips on making cold-brew coffee from Jamie Oliver coffee expert Mike Cooper.

What’s your favorite way to prepare your coffee at home?

Kitchen Design Tips for Function and Comfort

For many families, the kitchen is so much more than a place to prepare meals. It’s the heart of a home. It’s a multifunctional space, and often the center of family life. Kitchens are natural gathering places, and they foster connection, communication, and the creation of cherished memories. Kitchens are spaces where culinary skills are passed down from one generation to the next, as parents teach their children how to cook, share family recipes, and instill a love for food and cooking.  

The kitchen is a focal point of the daily routine. It’s where breakfast is prepared before the day begins, and it often serves as a space for family members to grab a quick snack or drink throughout the day. Many families have a kitchen table or island where kids can do their homework or study while parents prepare meals. And of course, kitchens play a central role in celebrating special occasions and holidays, as families gather to prepare and enjoy festive meals, reinforcing the importance of togetherness and tradition.  

With the kitchen being the center of life at home, it’s essential that they live up to their reputation as a multi-use space. That’s where the desire to make the space function at its best comes into play. The good news is that it doesn’t take a massive renovation to make a kitchen more functional! 

Designer Jamie Gold, who is both a Certified Kitchen Designer and Mayo Clinic-Certified Wellness Coach, has vast experience turning kitchens into multi-use spaces. Her book, “Wellness by Design: A Room-by-Room Guide to Optimizing Your Home for Health, Fitness and Happiness,” focuses on designing spaces that promote well-being as well as function. 

Gold breaks down her process into what she calls the five facets of wellness design. They are: 

  • Health and fitness 
  • Safety and security 
  • Accessibility 
  • Functionality 
  • Comfort and joy 

That last facet has particular significance. “People are stressed. They’re anxious,” Gold says. “Adding elements that bring happiness, that lift your mood and add joy is essential to your emotional wellness.” 

Creating a functional space should encompass the following elements: 

First, clear the clutter. When a space like a kitchen takes on multiple functions, non-kitchen objects start to find their way to your kitchen countertops, rather than to their ideal spot. Gold calls these “family landing zones.” You probably have one in your house—it’s where your child puts their backpack or jacket every day when they come home from school. 

“It has been my experience as a designer and as a stepparent that the end of a kitchen island or corner of a counter just becomes a clutter magnet,” Gold says. “You don’t want to have it near your range. It takes up space. It can attract dust and dirt. It can become a fire hazard. The more people you have in your kitchen area at one time, the less clutter you want there.” 

Decluttering can also have psychological benefits. “There’s a definite wellness component,” Gold says. “Clutter can create stress and anxiety.” 

Safety check: Safety should be a priority, particularly around appliances. You might be familiar with the area, but make sure the setup is appropriate for others. “You don’t want someone sitting between your prep area and your cooktop,” Gold says. “You can have seating on an island. Just make sure it isn’t in the cooking zone.” 

Thinking about your kitchen in zones can make it safer and less cluttered. This means each area of the kitchen should be reserved for its intended use. “Your kitchen zones are designed around your appliances and fixtures,” Gold says. “Your dishwasher is part of your prep and cleanup zone. Your refrigerator is part of your food storage zone. Your range is in your cooking zone.” Make sure certain uses don’t encroach on those areas. 

Clear the area of any trip hazards, like pet bowls, charging cables or cords in aisles or walkways. It’s important to make sure the space is accessible for everyone in the house. 

During times when you have more people in the home for longer periods, you should pay more attention to indoor air quality. It’s a good time to make sure your ventilation hood is in working order. A poorly maintained ventilation hood can generate excess noise and affect air quality, neither of which is helpful when you’re trying to cook, or the kids are trying to learn. Add an air cleaner to further improve indoor air quality. 

Assess your portables: Take stock of your portable appliances and decide which should stay in the kitchen and which could be stored elsewhere. You might feel really busy, and you may be looking to save time, so you should also consider what additional appliances might make your life easier. 

This isn’t necessarily about getting rid of portable appliances; it’s about ensuring your kitchen’s maximum function. “Let’s say you have a standard 30-inch cooktop. You might want to supplement with a portable induction burner.” Can you add appliances that give you healthier cooking options? “You might also consider a multi-cook appliance that has sous vide, steam and air frying capabilities.” 

Prioritizing your portables and utilizing multi-function appliances is even more important if you’re working in a small kitchen and need to make the most of your space. A slow-cooker can save time and cut down on foot traffic where space is limited. 

Get away from it all: We live stressful lives. Create a space in your home that allows you to get away from everything that’s happening inside and outside the home. “Have a space that’s electronics free, or where you only allow music through a smart speaker as opposed to news, a space where you can add plants, a fragrance and comforting elements. Scent is a powerful link to comfort and joy.” 

Now that you’ve created a kitchen space that’s usable, efficient, safe, comfortable, and healthy, you’re ready to connect, communicate, and create memories as you celebrate the magic of family time.  

Worrying about Fall Allergies? Follow These Tips to Reduce Triggers


While many people tend to think of spring as peak allergy season, the reality is that millions of people suffer from allergies all year long.  

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), allergies are one of the most common chronic diseases, with more than 100 million Americans suffering from various types of allergies each year.  

Airborne allergens can cause both seasonal allergies and constant, persistent allergies. Many people with allergies have more than one type, with the most common allergy triggers being tree, grass, and weed pollen; mold spores; dust mites; and pet dander.  

In 2021, according to the AAFA, approximately 81 million people in the U.S. were diagnosed withseasonal allergic rhinitis, which is commonly called ‘hay fever.’ That’s around 26% (67 million) of adults and 19% (14 million) of children!  Seasonal allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction to pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds. This type of rhinitis occurs mainly in the Spring and Fall when pollen is traveling in the air. Pollen thrives during warm days and cool nights (that’s why it’s common in spring and fall). 

Seasonal Fall Allergies 

Fall allergies are on the mind of many parents, teachers and students this time of year. Fall can be extremely bothersome for allergy sufferers.  The biggest culprits of hay fever — a general term used to describe late-summer and fall allergies — are pollen and ragweed, according to AAFA.

Ragweed usually starts to release pollen in mid-August, when the days are still warm, and the nights start to get cooler, According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (ACAAI). It can last well into September and October, typically continuing to wreak havoc until the first hard freeze, depending on where you live. It grows wild almost everywhere, especially on the East Coast and in the Midwest. Ragweed pollen is really light, so it spreads far and wide, and even if ragweed doesn’t grow where you live, ragweed pollen can travel for hundreds of miles in the wind!  

Autumn leaves can also trigger allergic reactions for millions of people. While most homeowners find it difficult to keep up with all those pesky leaves, for allergy sufferers, raking leaves presents even greater challenges. It can agitate pollen and mold, releasing it into the air, causing allergy and asthma symptoms to spike. 

Indoor Allergens 

While the great outdoors is the source of most seasonal allergens (which also make their way inside on clothes, shoes, hair, and more), our homes also harbor all sorts of indoor allergens. 

With simple everyday living, all sorts of unseen contaminants and air pollutants are generated, like dirt, dust, pet dander, cigarette smoke, and even chemicals. 

Then there’s mold and mildew, which can lurk all around your home. If undetected or ignored, mold growth can turn into a serious health issue for everyone living under its roof. 

Tips for Dealing with Allergens 

While there is no cure for allergies many of the appliances you may already have around the house—namely a room air cleaner, vacuum and clothes washer—can help reduce indoor air pollutants and possibly reduce your symptoms. Following are our best tips for dealing with both outdoor and indoor allergens: 

  • Invest in a room air cleaner. Air cleaners can filter out harmful particulates such as tobacco smoke, dust, and pollen, making the air your family breathes cleaner and healthier. 
  • Wash your bed linens and pillowcases in hot water and detergent to reduce allergens; dry them in a hot dryer cycle to kill dust mites. Keep pets out of the bedroom to reduce pet dander in your bedding. Use dust mite-proof covers for pillows, comforters, duvets, mattresses, and box springs. 
  • Vacuum frequently. Vacuuming helps keep allergens low, but keep in mind that poor quality vacuums can put dust back into the air. Look for certified asthma- and allergy-friendly vacuums. 
  • Monitor pollen and mold counts. Local media weather reports often include this information during allergy seasons. Try to avoid being outside when pollen counts are highest. 
  • Prevent pollen from getting inside by keeping windows and doors closed. Use air conditioning in warm weather to control dust mites and reduce humidity. Change filters often. 
  • Take a shower, wash your hair, and change your clothes after you’ve been working or playing outdoors. Ask everyone who enters your home to leave their shoes at the door. 
  • Control dust mites by keeping surfaces in your home clean and uncluttered.  

About Portable Air Cleaners 

One of the best tools for combating indoor allergens is investing in an AHAM Verifide® portable room air cleaner. Room air cleaners that are certified through AHAM’s Certification Program have been certified and verified by an independent laboratory, assuring consumers that the product will perform according to the manufacturer’s product claims for suggested room size and the reduction of three common household particulates: tobacco smoke, dust, and pollen, commonly referred to as the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR). CADR has been evolving in recent years as more people have become interested in improving their indoor air quality. AHAM has developed standards that measure air cleaners’ removal of microbiological pollutants like viruses, bacteria and mold, and household chemicals.  

Breathe easier. Learn the facts about clean indoor air here. 

Looking for allergy relief? Your humidifier or dehumidifier could help!

Autumn brings a lot of changes beyond the leaves. Kids may be going back to the classroom full time and adults might be headed back to the office after more than a year largely spent at home. But one part of fall never seems to change: the sniffles, coughs and sneezes of allergies. And while we still have some summer left, allergy season is already here.

“It’s a trifecta this time of year,” said David Stukus, M.D., a pediatric allergy and asthma specialist at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio and associate professor of pediatrics at the Ohio State University College of Medicine. “The most common cause is circulating viral infections as kids go back to school,” Stukus says. “The other would be changes in the weather pattern, which can cause worsening symptoms that are often preexisting. We have ragweed and mold spores, especially on rainy days and when the leaves collect in the fall.”

Things might not be much better indoors for those with dust mite or other environmental allergies. As temperatures drop and the windows are closed, those allergy symptoms can get worse.

Depending on the symptoms and cause, the course of treatment might include use of a humidifier or dehumidifier. Here’s how each could help:

Humidifier: “For people with chronic nasal congestion or postnasal drip, we’ll often recommend running a humidifier in the bedroom at night,” Stukus says. Only use water in the dehumidifier, he says. “We never recommend putting any kind of medicine, herbal treatment or essential oils inside a humidifier,” Stukus says. “Diffusing medicine through these products can cause irritation of the skin, nose and lungs.” The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology recommends only using distilled or demineralized water in humidifiers, as the minerals in tap water can increase bacteria growth and produce a dust that makes symptoms worse. Use the humidifier in the room in which you spend the most time. Typically, that means the bedroom. Clean the humidifier regularly to avoid mold and mildew development, which can make symptoms worse.

Dehumidifier: Those who have allergies to dust mites will want to aim for a less humidity, as the microscopic mites tend to thrive in a humid environment. A dehumidifier can help. “If they have high humidity levels in their home or obvious mold growth, that would be a good indication to get a dehumidifier,” Stukus says. AAAAI suggests keeping the humidity level in your home between 30 and 45 percent.

There’s no single course of treatment for allergies, so it’s essential to see a physician who can conduct the proper examination and testing to find out what’s causing the symptoms. Don’t try to self-diagnose. “[Diagnosis is] complicated and highly individualized,” Stukus says. “You really need to know what’s going on with that person to provide the best course of treatment.”

Looking for a way to remove some of the pollen and allergens from the indoor air? Room air cleaners certified through AHAM’s certification program have been certified and verified by an independent laboratory, assuring consumers that the product will perform according to the manufacturer’s product claims for suggested room size and the reduction of three common household particulates: tobacco smoke, dust and pollen, commonly referred to as the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR).

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