Range Hoods: Ventilation Improves Air Quality While Cooking

When asked how cooking impacts the air in your home, your first thought might be smells like freshly baked cookies, or perhaps a burning pizza. Scents are an often great part of cooking, but the impact of cooking on your indoor air quality is more complex than that. All cooking, whether done with gas, electric, … Continue reading "Range Hoods: Ventilation Improves Air Quality While Cooking"

Best of AHAM Allergy Advice

  Spring is here, and allergies are right around the corner, if not already knocking at the door. Luckily, you already have a secret weapon at your disposal! Your appliances can help remove some of the allergens from your home and reduce your symptoms. We’ve gathered our top allergy prevention advice to help you through … Continue reading "Best of AHAM Allergy Advice"

Your Appliance Spring Cleaning Checklist

It’s tough to imagine tackling the various spring cleaning projects around your home without essential cleaning appliances like vacuums, washers and dryers. In fact, some appliances are such a part of the cleaning routine that it’s easy to forget that they need to be cleaned, too. Regular cleaning is also essential to keep your appliances … Continue reading "Your Appliance Spring Cleaning Checklist"

Indoor Air Quality is an Essential Part of a Healthy Home

Pollen. Dust. Animal dander. Viruses and bacteria. The pollutants that affect indoor air quality are often too small to see, but the effects they can have on your health and wellness can quickly become too big to ignore. Spring and the pollen it brings is enough to make allergy sufferers think more about the air … Continue reading "Indoor Air Quality is an Essential Part of a Healthy Home"

Frequently Asked Questions About Central Vacuums

If you’re reading this, you are probably considering adding a central vacuum to your home. While central vacuums aren’t as well known as the more common upright, canister, stick or robotic vacuums, they offer serious convenience, cleaning power and a host of features. We have compiled some of the most common questions about central vacuums … Continue reading "Frequently Asked Questions About Central Vacuums"

How to Choose the Best Air Cleaner for Your Home

How clean is the indoor air you breathe, and how can you make it cleaner?  Between the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, seasonal wildfires and spring allergy season, those are questions many are asking. Several home appliances can help reduce indoor pollutants, but an air cleaner is your go-to product if you are focused on improving the … Continue reading "How to Choose the Best Air Cleaner for Your Home"

COVID in Canada: How has the pandemic impacted life at home?

More time spent at home has been one of the most widespread changes to daily life since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Many Canada residents took advantage of that extra time to tackle household projects and add conveniences to their homes. AHAM surveyed more than 1,900 Canada residents in late 2020 to find out how the … Continue reading "COVID in Canada: How has the pandemic impacted life at home?"

The Great Indoors: What we’ve learned about air cleaners during COVID-19

Homes have been busy places during the COVID-19 pandemic. With more time at home, people have done more around the house and made significant changes to their homes. They’ve upgraded appliances, cleaned more, and taken on projects like kitchen and home office renovations. They have also paid more attention to improving their indoor air quality, … Continue reading "The Great Indoors: What we’ve learned about air cleaners during COVID-19"

Healthier Living Through Appliances

Whether it’s healthier home cooking, improving indoor air quality or reducing clutter and creating a more functional home space, the COVID-19 pandemic appears to have more people focusing on adapting their homes to meet their needs and preferences. The changes they are making range from the relatively simple like redecorating or adding new furniture to … Continue reading "Healthier Living Through Appliances"

Spending More Time Inside? How to Make Your Indoor Air Cleaner

Whether it is because of social distancing or to avoid the summer heat, you might find yourself spending more time indoors this summer. That extra time at home has made it even more important to avoid the discomfort and potential health issues, like allergy symptoms, that can arise from poor indoor air quality. A room … Continue reading "Spending More Time Inside? How to Make Your Indoor Air Cleaner"