May 20, 2014

Save Some Green and Help the Environment When You Buy a New Refrigerator


If you’ve been thinking about replacing your old refrigerator with a new one, now is a good time to do it. Under new energy efficiency standards released earlier this year by the U.S. Department of Energy, refrigerators, depending upon the model, can be up to 25 percent more efficient compared to refrigerators made just 10 years ago!

Jill Notini, AHAM’s Vice President of Communications & Marketing, spoke with ShopSmart about the new standards and how consumers can save money in the long term.

“Refrigerators that comply with the latest energy efficiency standards will use 20 to 25 percent less energy,?? says Jill Notini, vice president of communications for the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM). All told, the energy consumption of an average refrigerator has dropped more than 50 percent since 1990. “It now takes less energy to power a 22-cubic foot refrigerator than to keep a 50-wattlight bulb on all day,?? Notini says.

Notini also notes that not only may you be eligible for a rebate from your utility company or the government, but your old refrigerator will be recycled so you’ll be helping the environment too.

You might even be able to cash in on your old fridge. Check with your utility company or the rebate finder on for rebate programs in your area. “Some programs are paying as much as $75 for turning in an older working refrigerator and clipping the cord so it’s officially off the grid,?? Notini says. Your old refrigerator isn’t going to waste in a landfill for hundreds of years. “The metal gets recycled and reused,?? Notini says. 

Read the full article here. You can learn more about the new refrigerator efficiency standards and how to read the ENERGY GUIDE at

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