October 12, 2012

Evolutions in Kitchen and Appliance Design


Kitchen and appliance design and functionality has evolved from
the days of the Frigidaire and Monsanto “kitchens of the future?? as shown in these two films from the 1950s.

In this month’s Interior Design magazine, Jill Notini,
AHAM’s VP of Communications and Marketing talks about kitchen design.  Click
to read the article, and see some exciting new products!

Notini says, “We are seeing a convergence of function,
technology, and aesthetic design. Appliances still cool, cook, or clean food,
but now there is integration of other features framed in modern design.”

Manufacturers are designing appliances that can provide
other functions and make life easier for busy consumers. For example, refrigerators
are now coming equipped with built-in LCD screens so people can download apps
that provide recipes, news and weather.

Additionally, as smart appliances become more widely
available and connected to a smart electrical grid, they will become more
energy efficient.

“Manufacturers have improved efficiency by leaps and bounds,
and are now incorporating advanced technologies that go beyond traditional
energy savings and provide enormous consumer benefit,?? Notini says.

You don’t have to wait too long to experience these new
features and designs.  The kitchen of the
future is here now.  Let us know what you think about kitchen design.    How would you change your current
kitchen?  What kind of appliances would
you select?