November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Tips for Cooks of All Levels to Keep your Holidays Joyous and Safe

Thanksgiving dinner is the most anticipated meal of the year for Americans and an ideal opportunity for cooks to show off their culinary expertise. However, Thanksgiving is also considered the peak day for preventable cooking fires, where they are three times more likely to occur than any other day of the year.

Safety Tips for the Multi-Tasking Master Chef
Trying to do too many things at once while cooking can potentially lead to accidental cooking fires and related injuries.  Protect your family by remembering to:

•    Stay in the kitchen while food is cooking.
•    Do not try to hold your child in one arm while cooking with the other.
•    Keep your range top free of clutter.

Safety Tips for the First-Time Cook
First-time cooks may not be aware of the safety precautions they should take while cooking Thanksgiving dinner. On Thanksgiving Day, first-time cooks should:

•    Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen in case of emergency and know how to use it.
•    Keep smoke alarms connected while cooking.

Safety Tips for the Ambitious Cook
Ambitious cooks may find themselves trying new dishes or tweaking old recipes. Whether it’s a traditional dish or an innovative culinary work of art, ambitious cooks should aim for high marks on taste and safety by:

•    Never put a glass casserole or lid on the stove or over a burner.
•    Be extremely cautious if using a turkey fryer.