Cordless Appliances and Battery Safety

Do you use a cordless vacuum, robotic vacuum or cordless kitchen appliance? Eventually, you will have to replace your appliance’s rechargeable battery. And when that time comes, you’ll likely go online to look for the best deal. While everyone wants to save money, that “good deal” on a replacement may cost you later. Just as … Continue reading "Cordless Appliances and Battery Safety"

Make the Most of Your Robot Vacuum’s Features

What kind of vacuum are you using at home? According to AHAM member company SharkNinja, robot vacuums now account for more than 65% of vacuum cleaner sales, and about 40% of U.S. households report having used one in their homes. Whether you were an early robot vacuum adopter, or you’re just considering making the switch, … Continue reading "Make the Most of Your Robot Vacuum’s Features"

What the future may hold for kitchen design and appliances

What comes to mind when you think about the kitchen of the future? Robotic servers? Automated cleanup? Sci-fi imagery aside, the kitchen is likely to keep its status as the household gathering space and hub for entertaining. But certain elements will trend toward personalization, and we’re likely to see both expanded and more specialized roles … Continue reading "What the future may hold for kitchen design and appliances"

Rise of the Robots: Robotic Vacuums Now a Floor Care Fixture

Do robots live among your appliances? There’s a growing chance at least one type does. Sales of robotic vacuums and cleaning robots are expected to grow from $981 million in 2013 to $2.6 billion by 2020. And the innovations keep coming. New features like cameras, voice controls and improved navigation have taken robotic vacuums from … Continue reading "Rise of the Robots: Robotic Vacuums Now a Floor Care Fixture"

How to brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush

Just as they give you cleaner floors and clothes, your appliances can also help you have cleaner teeth. Electric toothbrushes take some of the movement out of brushing for you. We talked to two dentists—Ana Ferraz-Dougherty of Rolling Oaks Dental in San Antonio, and Colleen DeLacy of Lexington Dental Care and Sandusky Dental Care in … Continue reading "How to brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush"

An introduction to connected home appliances

Do you have enough hours in the day? Most busy people probably wish they had a few more. Connected appliances, while they can’t make a day longer, CAN help you recapture more of your own time. One recent study estimated that connected appliances could save a typical household 100 hours a year. The time savings … Continue reading "An introduction to connected home appliances"

Smart Appliances: Smarter Than You Think

Chances are you’ve had an appliance repairman at your home at some point over the years, and it probably involved him taking apart the appliance to try to find out what’s wrong with it. In the future, those days will be gone. If you haven’t been in an appliance showroom lately, you may not have … Continue reading "Smart Appliances: Smarter Than You Think"