Using an Air Cleaner to Manage Wildfire Smoke

As massive wildfires rage across the Los Angeles area, millions are experiencing the detrimental impact of smoke on indoor air quality.  Wildfire smoke can travel hundreds or even thousands of miles from the fire, and the effects of the smoke will be felt far beyond the Los Angeles area. Many people who live in the … Continue reading "Using an Air Cleaner to Manage Wildfire Smoke"

Suffering from Fall Allergies? We’ve Got Tips for Conquering Them

  While most people tend to think of spring as peak allergy season, the reality is that millions of people suffer from allergies all year long, and the Fall season can be particularly bothersome for allergy sufferers.   Hay fever—which actually has nothing to do with hay or fevers—is a general term used to describe the … Continue reading "Suffering from Fall Allergies? We’ve Got Tips for Conquering Them"

6 Ways to Reduce Spring Allergens in Your Home

The warm spring weather is usually a welcome change. The allergies that come with it? Not so much. Seasonal allergens like pollen and other triggers like dust and mites are unwanted guests that can take up residence in the air and on your furniture and floors, and even on your clothing. But the threat of … Continue reading "6 Ways to Reduce Spring Allergens in Your Home"

Give the air in your home a spring cleaning

With memories of massive snowfalls still fresh in the minds of many, it’s easy to forget that spring allergy season is just about here. When the first sniffles of spring strike, allergy sufferers may be tempted to hole up and avoid the outdoors. But the air inside may be just as bad or even worse, … Continue reading "Give the air in your home a spring cleaning"

How Appliances Can Help You Manage Your Child’s Allergies

If your child is one of the millions who suffers from allergies in the U.S., you know that it can be hard to control their symptoms.  Reducing contact with airborne allergens like dust and pollen can help prevent the onset of symptoms in children. Allergy symptoms can be especially troublesome during back-to-school season, when a … Continue reading "How Appliances Can Help You Manage Your Child’s Allergies"

Best of AHAM Allergy Advice

  Spring is here, and allergies are right around the corner, if not already knocking at the door. Luckily, you already have a secret weapon at your disposal! Your appliances can help remove some of the allergens from your home and reduce your symptoms. We’ve gathered our top allergy prevention advice to help you through … Continue reading "Best of AHAM Allergy Advice"

How to Choose the Best Air Cleaner for Your Home

How clean is the indoor air you breathe, and how can you make it cleaner?  Between the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, seasonal wildfires and spring allergy season, those are questions many are asking. Several home appliances can help reduce indoor pollutants, but an air cleaner is your go-to product if you are focused on improving the … Continue reading "How to Choose the Best Air Cleaner for Your Home"

The Great Indoors: What we’ve learned about air cleaners during COVID-19

Homes have been busy places during the COVID-19 pandemic. With more time at home, people have done more around the house and made significant changes to their homes. They’ve upgraded appliances, cleaned more, and taken on projects like kitchen and home office renovations. They have also paid more attention to improving their indoor air quality, … Continue reading "The Great Indoors: What we’ve learned about air cleaners during COVID-19"

Vacuum away indoor and outdoor allergens

Allergies tend to grab our attention when the seasons change and symptoms rear their ugly heads. In the fall, tree pollen tends to get the blame for our respiratory misery. Other common allergens like dust mites can cause trouble all year long. Regardless of whether your allergy symptoms are seasonal, regular and proper vacuuming should … Continue reading "Vacuum away indoor and outdoor allergens"

5 ways appliances can make your home healthier

From making healthy eating easier to cutting down on sneeze-inducing allergens, appliances can be used to drive healthy habits and create a healthier home environment. Here are five ways home appliances can be used to make your home healthier today: 1. Quick meal storage: Keep those healthy meals and snacks within reach in your refrigerator. … Continue reading "5 ways appliances can make your home healthier"