December 16, 2011

Shopping Ideas to Fight Indoor Air Pollutants

When planning to do your holiday shopping – both for gifts and for decorations, it’s important to consider any allergy sufferers on your list. That’s because many allergens associated with yuletide can quickly turn celebrations into sneezin’ season.

Before you deck the halls with decorations, remember this: artificial trees and ornaments tend to build up with dust and mold that can result in allergic reactions. Fortunately, a portable CADR-certified (cealn air delivery rate) air cleaner can help remove dust and other allergens from the air.

It is also important to clean your ornaments before putting them onto your tree and to store them properly when the time comes to pack them back up.

Live evergreen trees brought into the home may be carrying mold or pollen from ragweed and/or other plants on them. Before you bring the tree inside, use a leaf blower to remove the concentration of pollens from the branches. Finally, wipe the trunk with a diluted bleach solution to help remove any mold.

Meanwhile, the following holiday shopping list can help you meet the needs of allergy and asthma sufferers.

Allergy and Asthma Gift List

  1. A CADR-certified portable air cleaner
  2. A dehumidifier
  3. Replacement air filters for heating, cooling and air cleaning systems
  4. My House is Killing Me, a book by Jeffrey C. May
  5. A subscription to allergy publications, such as Coping with Allergies and Allergy and Asthma Health
  6. Pet shampoos with dander sealing capapbilities
  7. Micro-lined, two-ply vacuum cleaner bags that are designed to prevent dust from blowing back into the air
  8. Hypoallergenic mattress and pillow covers
  9. Allergen carpet treatment
  10. Hypoallergenic laundry detergent formulated to fight dust and other allergens

For more information on certified room air cleaners, visit

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