August 21, 2009

Use an air cleaner to help reduce indoor allergens in your home… and other tips!

An article posted yesterday on lists lots of helpful tips for those suffering from indoor allergies.  It is important to keep your home clean by vacuuming and dusting regularly, and reducing clutter.  You can also look for an air cleaner to help reduce the dust, pollen and tobacco smoke particles that may be floating in your air.

AHAM has hundreds of certified air cleaners listed on, where you can search for the model that will work the best in your home.  AHAM tests for the reduction of dust, pollen and tobacco smoke and gives each air cleaner a recommended room size.

The article also mentions fighting off any mold in your basement with a dehumidifier.  AHAM also tests and certifies dehumidifiers and lists the results in an online directory.

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