10 Appliance Safety Tips You Can Use Today

June is National Safety Month, and it is the perfect time to do a quick review of easy ways to stay safe when you use appliances. From your kitchen to the laundry room, here are 10 appliance safety tips you can use in your home today! Keep an eye on what’s cooking: Unattended cooking is … Continue reading "10 Appliance Safety Tips You Can Use Today"

Refrigerator Organization: Storing and Reheating Leftovers Safely

Once the holiday table is cleared, many home cooks across the U.S. might be left wondering what they’re supposed to do with all of the leftovers. From a simple turkey sandwich  to the more exotic leftover turkey curry or chipotle turkey tostadas, your options for creative post-holiday cooking are limitless. But regardless of how you … Continue reading "Refrigerator Organization: Storing and Reheating Leftovers Safely"

Stay cooking with these kitchen appliance safety tips

When used properly, home appliances have a proven and extensive track record of safety. Appliances are rigorously tested for safety long before they make it to retailers’ shelves. Many of the accidents that involve appliances are easily preventable. John Drengenberg, consumer safety director for UL, has been involved in the appliance safety and testing business … Continue reading "Stay cooking with these kitchen appliance safety tips"

Preventing Cooking Fires

National Fire Prevention Week is October 6-12, 2013 and this year’s theme is “Prevent Cooking Fires.?? AHAM is supporting this effort by distributing free copies of its “Recipe for Safer Cooking?? brochure to fire departments, schools and community organizations. In just four weeks, more than 100,000 brochures have been distributed. In addition to “Recipe for … Continue reading "Preventing Cooking Fires"

How Clean Is Your Kitchen?

When it comes to the kitchen, most people probably say that their countertops and dinnerware are clean.  However, according to a recent article in the MinnPost which highlights a study from NSF International, a non-profit focused on public health and safety issues, we should focus on some unexpected places in our kitchens as well. According … Continue reading "How Clean Is Your Kitchen?"