August 6, 2009

Benefits of Recycling your “Beer Fridge”

Beerfridge According to the Steel Recycling Institute SRI, 90% of appliances in 2008 were recycled for their valuable metal.  Tuesday morning’s post in the NY Times Green Inc. blog discusses a “cash for clunkers?? type program where states offer rebates for “beer fridges,?? which are older less efficient units that could be using more than triple the amount of energy than a modern unit of average efficiency.  According to the post, “Utilities commonly estimate that homeowners can save up to $150 a year on their electricity bill by dumping their old refrigerator or freezer…. In addition, refrigerators made before the mid-1990s may also emit ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons.??

For refrigerator recycling options in your area, call 1-800-YES-1-CAN.