February 5, 2013

Follow These Tips for an Organized Refrigerator

124081Keeping a clean and organized
refrigerator can be a lot harder than it seems, especially if there are several
people living under the same roof, with each person having their own foods,
drinks, condiments and leftovers.

Here are some tips found in a
recent article from Fox News:

  • Clean out your fridge before going to
    the grocery store.
    Amy Brady, a professional organizer
    from TheClutterConsultants.com
    suggests moving items with closer expiration dates towards the front and later
    expiration dates towards the back … just like a grocery store!
  • Use
    the refrigerator the way it was intended.
    Refrigerators were
    designed to keep food fresh in specific areas. “Deli meat and cheeses should be
    stored in the meat/deli tray because that's usually the coldest spot in your
    refrigerator,?? Kuper points out. “Vegetables should be stored in the crisper
    drawer because it's designed to seal tightly to keep in humidity. The door of
    your refrigerator is best for storing jarred foods that can withstand frequent
    exposure to room temperature air.??
  • Assess
    the situation.
    “Start with the top and work your way
    down,?? says Donna Smallin Kuper, author of How
    to Declutter and Make Money Now
    . “Be sure to open and unwrap everything to
    see what you have. Check expiration dates and throw out anything that is
    clearly bad or questionable.??
  • Turntables.
    Brady and Kuper are both fans of storing things like condiments, leftovers, or
    large drink containers on Lazy Susans, or turntables. They make things easier
    to find and prevent them from getting shoved or lost in the back of the fridge.

For more tips on how to keep your
refrigerator organized, click here
to read the rest of the article. What are some of your tips? Tell us!