August 9, 2013

AHAM President Joe McGuire Discusses New Clothes Washer Sustainability Standard

JoewebIn a July column in Appliance Design magazine, AHAM
President Joe McGuire highlights the first-ever sustainability standard for
clothes washers developed jointly by AHAM, CSA Group and Underwriters

McGuire writes, “The goal of this
standard is to provide meaningful environmental performance information to
manufacturers, governments, retailers, and consumers about clothes washers and
to drive innovation and continual improvement in the sustainability of these
products.??  This standard follows last
year’s release of the first-ever sustainability
standard for refrigeration products

 “The standard is intended to be used to
evaluate products for six key attributes: materials, manufacturing and
operations, energy and water consumption during use, consumables, end of life,
and innovation, as a bonus attribute,?? notes McGuire.  The new standards can be especially helpful to
consumers who wish to have additional information when purchasing more
environmentally-friendly products.  For
example, the end-of-life category, consumers can evaluate clothes washers based
upon the amount of recyclable materials they contain.

to read more of McGuire’s column. If your company is a supplier to the
appliance industry and you wish to purchase either the standard for
refrigeration products or clothes washers, you may do so here.